Tag: parameters

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks… or can you?

When we moved out to the country with our two dogs, our oldest dog Todd suddenly decided he liked to howl…. And he would do so every time we left the house. Maybe it was the country air? Maybe it was a time-lapse gene? Maybe he just wanted to learn […]

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks… or can you? was published on SAS Users.

Using common filters in SAS Visual Analytics

Common filters are filters that can be shared between objects in your reports. Common filter benefits include 1) Easy to assign the same filter conditions to other report objects, 2) When you edit a common filter, it is updated everywhere that the common filter is used, and 3) A common filter is available for the entire report, across pages.

Using common filters in SAS Visual Analytics was published on SAS Users.