Tag: proc fcmp

Introducing TRIMS function to remove any leading and/or trailing characters from SAS strings

Leonid Batkhan introduces multipurpose TRIMS function that removes any leading, trailing or both leading and trailing characters from SAS strings.

Introducing TRIMS function to remove any leading and/or trailing characters from SAS strings was published on SAS Users.

The complexity for Fibonacci numbers in SAS

Fibonacci numbers has a lot of applications. There have been a lot of interesting researches regarding Fibonacci numbers since 800 years ago. Mathematically they are the numbers from a sequence, which is defined as .

Experiment and Result


SAS functions for computing parameters in Erlang-C model

Call center management is both Arts and Sciences. While driving moral and setting up strategies is more about Arts, staffing and servicing level configuration based on call load is in the domain of Sciences.

The science part of call center managemen…

Rolling regressions for backtesting

Market always generates huge volume time series data with millions of records. Running regressions to obtain the coefficients in a rolling time window is common for many backtesing jobs. In SAS, writing a macro based on the GLM procedu…

Cholesky decomposition to "expand" data

Yesterday Rick showed how to use Cholesky decomposition to transform data by the ROOT function of SAS/IML. Cholesky decomposition is so important in simulation. For those DATA STEP programmers who are not very familiar with SAS/IML, PROC FCMP in SAS m…

Example 9.13: Negative binomial regression with proc mcmc

In practice, data that derive from counts rarely seem to be fit well by a Poisson model; one more flexible alternative is a negative binomial model. In this SAS-only entry, we discuss how proc mcmc can be used for estimation. An overview of support f…

Example 9.13: Negative binomial regression with proc mcmc

In practice, data that derive from counts rarely seem to be fit well by a Poisson model; one more flexible alternative is a negative binomial model. In this SAS-only entry, we discuss how proc mcmc can be used for estimation. An overview of support f…

Example 9.13: Negative binomial regression with proc mcmc

In practice, data that derive from counts rarely seem to be fit well by a Poisson model; one more flexible alternative is a negative binomial model. In this SAS-only entry, we discuss how proc mcmc can be used for estimation. An overview of support f…