Fun with Ciphers (Part 2)

In my previous blog, you saw how to create a Beale cipher. In this blog, you will see a program that can decode a Beale cipher. As a reminder, here is a list of numbers that you can use as a substitute for a letter when creating your cipher. Now, […]

Fun with Ciphers (Part 2) was published on SAS Users.

Using locale-specific format catalogs to create reports in multiple languages

This blog post, inspired by my work on this topic with a SAS customer, focuses on how to create and use locale-specific informats to read in numeric values from a Microsoft Excel file and then transform them into SAS character values. I incorporated this step into a macro that transforms ones and zeroes from the Excel file into meaningful information for multilingual readers.

Using locale-specific format catalogs to create reports in multiple languages was published on SAS Users.

Zodiac signs of US Presidents

Rick Wicklin showed us how to visualize the ages of US Presidents at the time of their inaugurations. That’s a pretty relevant thing to do, as the age of the incoming president can indirectly influence aspects of the president’s term, thanks to health and generational factors. As part of his […]

The post Zodiac signs of US Presidents appeared first on The SAS Dummy.

What’s our sign?

Rick Wicklin and I are engaged in an arms race of birthday-related blog posts.  To recap: Rick analyzed national data about births in the USA and what time of year they are most likely to occur. I responded by analyzing the birthdays of my Facebook friends. Rick responded by analyzing […]

Optimize many-to-one mapping by user-defined functions

In many occasions, fast access into a lookup table to find desired value is necessary. In computer science, linked list, associative array, and hash table are widely used to construct the relationship between values and keys. Hash function, like value…

The efficiency of five SAS methods in multi-dataset merging

Introduction: Merging two or multiple datasets is essential for many ‘data people’. Yes, it is a dirty and routine job. Everyone wants to get it done quick and accurate. Actually, SAS has many ways to tackle this job[3]. In two competing papers fro…

Summary Numerical Data in a Rolling Window

Obtain summary statistics over a rolling window for a given data, usually on a time dimension, is not quit easy in SAS, especially the rolling window may contain different number of records and the maximum number is unknown without pass the data once…