Tag: proc glm

Example 9.36: Levene’s test for equal variances

The assumption of equal variances among the groups in analysis of variance is an expression of the assumption of homoscedasticity for linear models more generally. For ANOVA, this assumption can be tested via Levene’s test. The test is a function of …

Example 9.5: New stuff in SAS 9.3– proc FMM

Finite mixture models (FMMs) can be used in settings where some unmeasured classification separates the observed data into groups with different exposure/outcome relationships. One familiar example of this is a zero-inflated model, where some observat…

Example 9.5: New stuff in SAS 9.3– proc FMM

Finite mixture models (FMMs) can be used in settings where some unmeasured classification separates the observed data into groups with different exposure/outcome relationships. One familiar example of this is a zero-inflated model, where some observat…

Example 9.5: New stuff in SAS 9.3– proc FMM

Finite mixture models (FMMs) can be used in settings where some unmeasured classification separates the observed data into groups with different exposure/outcome relationships. One familiar example of this is a zero-inflated model, where some observat…