While traditional statistics courses teach students to calculate intervals and test for binomial proportions using a normal or t approximation, this method does not always work well. Agresti and Coull (“Approximate is better than “exact’ for interval …
Example 9.19: Demonstrating the central limit theorem
A colleague recently asked “why should the average get closer to the mean when we increase the sample size?” We should interpret this question as asking why the standard error of the mean gets smaller as n increases. The central limit theorem shows t…
Example 9.11: Employment plot
A facebook friend posted the picture reproduced above– it makes the case that President Obama has been a successful creator of jobs, and also paints GW Bush as a president who lost jobs. Another friend pointed out that to be fair, all of Bush’s presi…
Example 9.11: Employment plot
A facebook friend posted the picture reproduced above– it makes the case that President Obama has been a successful creator of jobs, and also paints GW Bush as a president who lost jobs. Another friend pointed out that to be fair, all of Bush’s presi…
Example 9.11: Employment plot
A facebook friend posted the picture reproduced above– it makes the case that President Obama has been a successful creator of jobs, and also paints GW Bush as a president who lost jobs. Another friend pointed out that to be fair, all of Bush’s presi…
Bayesian Computation with SAS (1).
The book “Bayesian Computation with R” by Jim Albert is an easy to read entry level book on applied Bayesian Statistics. While the book was written for R users, it is not difficult to translate the languages between R and SAS and I believe it is a go…