Numerical variables profiling in very large data set

Profiling numerical variables is an integral part of data analytics, which generally consists of obtaining standard descriptive statistics such as quantiles, first central moments as well as missing ratio.

It is easily obtainable by using PROC MEANS…

Numerical variables profiling in very large data set

Profiling numerical variables is an integral part of data analytics, which generally consists of obtaining standard descriptive statistics such as quantiles, first central moments as well as missing ratio.

It is easily obtainable by using PROC MEANS…

Numerical variables profiling in very large data set

Profiling numerical variables is an integral part of data analytics, which generally consists of obtaining standard descriptive statistics such as quantiles, first central moments as well as missing ratio.

It is easily obtainable by using PROC MEANS…

Bayesian Computation with SAS (1).

The book “Bayesian Computation with R” by Jim Albert is an easy to read entry level book on applied Bayesian Statistics. While the book was written for R users, it is not difficult to translate the languages between R and SAS and I believe it is a go…

Summary Numerical Data in a Rolling Window

Obtain summary statistics over a rolling window for a given data, usually on a time dimension, is not quit easy in SAS, especially the rolling window may contain different number of records and the maximum number is unknown without pass the data once…