One common violation of the assumptions needed for linear regression is heterscedasticity by group membership. Both SAS and R can easily accommodate this setting. Our data today comes from a real example of vitamin D supplementation of milk. Four sup…
Benchmark Regression Procedures using OLS Regression
Rick Wicklin discussed in his blog the performance in solving a linear system using SOLVE() function and INV() function from IML.
Since regression analysis is an integral part of SAS applications and there are many SAS procedures in SAS/STAT that a…
Benchmark Regression Procedures using OLS Regression
Rick Wicklin discussed in his blog the performance in solving a linear system using SOLVE() function and INV() function from IML.
Since regression analysis is an integral part of SAS applications and there are many SAS procedures in SAS/STAT that a…
Benchmark Regression Procedures using OLS Regression
Rick Wicklin discussed in his blog the performance in solving a linear system using SOLVE() function and INV() function from IML.
Since regression analysis is an integral part of SAS applications and there are many SAS procedures in SAS/STAT that a…