Tag: proc univariate

Adjusting outliers with the 1.5 IQR rule

In my new book, End-to-End Data Science with SAS: A Hands-On Programming Guide, I use the 1.5 IQR rule to adjust multiple variables.  This program utilizes a macro that loops through a list of variables to make the necessary adjustments and creates an output data set. One of the most […]

Adjusting outliers with the 1.5 IQR rule was published on SAS Users.

Example 8.42: skewness and kurtosis and more moments (oh my!)

While skewness and kurtosis are not as often calculated and reported as mean and standard deviation, they can be useful at times. Skewness is the 3rd moment around the mean, and characterizes whether the distribution is symmetric (skewness=0). Kurtos…

Example 8.42: skewness and kurtosis and more moments (oh my!)

While skewness and kurtosis are not as often calculated and reported as mean and standard deviation, they can be useful at times. Skewness is the 3rd moment around the mean, and characterizes whether the distribution is symmetric (skewness=0). Kurtos…

Example 8.42: skewness and kurtosis and more moments (oh my!)

While skewness and kurtosis are not as often calculated and reported as mean and standard deviation, they can be useful at times. Skewness is the 3rd moment around the mean, and characterizes whether the distribution is symmetric (skewness=0). Kurtos…