Tag: SAS 9.2

SAS & JBoss: Too Many Open Files

I’ve been seeing some ‘Too many open files‘ exceptions in the SAS® mid-tier JBoss logs on my Ubuntu Linux server. I was surprised about this because I remember during installation I had followed the guidance in the SAS documentat…

SAS & IWA: Verifying Trusted for Delegation Status

I mentioned in a previous post that host machines need to be Trusted for Delegation when a SAS® software component, such as a SAS Workspace Server, needs to make outgoing connections to secondary servers when the initial incoming connection was ma…

SAS and IWA: Two Hops

In an earlier post I mentioned that I would jot down a few notes about my experiences with SAS® software and Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA). This is the first of these posts and concerns the initial configuration. Chances are, if you knew…

SAS and IWA (Integrated Windows Authentication) Notes

Over the past year I have worked on a number of SAS® 9.2 platform installations helping to get Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) working nicely for single sign-on (SSO) for the SAS platform. Whilst it’s relatively easy to turn IWA on, …

Want to know what replaced Xythos in SAS 9.2/9.3 – enter the jackrabbit

In SAS 9.1.x the WebDav technology SAS used was powered by an open source component called Xythos. Xthyos provided the mechanism by which the SAS Web tools (WRS, Portal etc) could read and write to a database repository (Postgres, Oracle, Sql Server etc) to store the content (WRS (XML) reports). In SAS 9.2 / 9.3, SAS re-engineered […]