Tag: sas programming

Machine Learning with SASPy: Exploring and Preparing your data – Part 3

Parts 1 and 2 of this blog post discussed exploring and preparing your data using SASPy. To recap, Part 1 discussed how to explore data using the SASPy interface with Python. Part 2 continued with an explanation of how to prepare your data to use it with a machine-learning model. […]

Machine Learning with SASPy: Exploring and Preparing your data – Part 3 was published on SAS Users.

Testing the Assumption of Normality for Parametric Tests

The t-test is a very useful test that compares one variable (perhaps blood pressure) between two groups. T-tests are called t-tests because the test results are all based on t-values. T-values are an example of what statisticians call test statistics. A test statistic is a standardized value that is calculated […]

Testing the Assumption of Normality for Parametric Tests was published on SAS Users.

How to retrieve contents of a SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server library

Just when you think you’ve seen it all, life can surprise you in a big way, making you wonder what else you’ve missed. That is what happened when I recently had a chance to work with the SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server, a product that’s been around a while, but […]

How to retrieve contents of a SAS® Scalable Performance Data Server library was published on SAS Users.

Data and Analytics Innovation using SAS & Spark – part 1

This article is not a tutorial on Hadoop, Spark, or big data. At the same time, no prerequisite knowledge of these technologies is required for understanding. We’ll give you enough background prior to diving into the details. In simplest terms, the Hadoop framework maintains the data and Spark controls and […]

Data and Analytics Innovation using SAS & Spark – part 1 was published on SAS Users.