For those of you who teach, or are interested in seeing an illustrated series of analyses, there is a new compendium of files to help describe how to fit models for the extended case studies in the Second Edition of the Statistical Sleuth: A Course in…
Tag: teaching statistics
Example 9.3: augmented display of contingency table
SAS and R often provide different levels of details from output. This is particularly true for the descriptive analysis of contingency tables, where SAS makes it easy to display tables with additional quantities (such as the observed cell count).The m…
Example 9.3: augmented display of contingency table
SAS and R often provide different levels of details from output. This is particularly true for the descriptive analysis of contingency tables, where SAS makes it easy to display tables with additional quantities (such as the observed cell count).The m…
Example 9.3: augmented display of contingency table
SAS and R often provide different levels of details from output. This is particularly true for the descriptive analysis of contingency tables, where SAS makes it easy to display tables with additional quantities (such as the observed cell count).The m…
Example 8.10: Combination dotplot/boxplot (teaching graphic in honor of World Statistics Day)
In honor of World Statistics Day and the read paper that my co-authors Chris Wild, Maxine Pfannkuch, Matt Regan, and I are presenting at the Royal Statistical Society today, we present the R code to generate a combination dotplot/boxplot that is useful…