Tag: Tip

Compress – Keep Writable

varname = compress(varname, , ‘kw’);The modifier “k” stands for ‘KEEP’ and the modifier “w” stands for ‘WRITABLE’. When compress function is used in combination of K & W modifiers, it keeps all the writable characters which means it deletes all the…

Get around ‘WARNING: Fisher’s exact test is not computed when the total sample size exceeds 32767.’

Fisher’s Exact test can be memory and computation extensive when the sample size is large. For the large sample size problem, you can use Monte-Carlo estimates of the exact p-value to get around the issue. For example,exact fisher /mc;More details of t…

Use SAS to score SF-36

Click HereThe following codes are copied from the above link.options ls=132 ps=53 nocenter;*****************************************************************;* SF36V2-4_PUBLIC.SAS* SAS CODE FOR SCORING 36-ITEM HEALTH SURVEY VERSION 2.0* STANDARD FORM (N…

Computing Geometric Means

This sample is from the SAS Sample Library. For additional information refer to SAS Help and Online Documentation. /****************************************************************/ /* S A S S A M P L E L I B R A R Y */ /*…