Tag: tips & techniques

To be and not to be – the uncertainty principle in SAS

If I were to say that we live in uncertain times, that would probably be an understatement. Therefore, I won’t say that. Oops, I already did. Or did I? For centuries, people around the world have been busy scratching their heads in search of a meaningful answer to Shakespeare’s profoundly […]

To be and not to be – the uncertainty principle in SAS was published on SAS Users.

Append and Replace Records in a CAS Table

In my previous blog post, I talked about using PROC CAS to accomplish various data preparation tasks. Since then, my colleague Todd Braswell and I worked through some interesting challenges implementing an Extract, Transform, Load (ETL) process that continuously updates data in CAS. (Todd is really the brains behind getting […]

Append and Replace Records in a CAS Table was published on SAS Users.

Connect, learn and share during virtual SAS Global Forum 2021

If you’re like me and the rest of the conference team, you’ve probably attended more virtual events this year than you ever thought possible. You can see the general evolution of virtual events by watching the early ones from April or May and compare them to the recent ones. We […]

Connect, learn and share during virtual SAS Global Forum 2021 was published on SAS Users.