Tag: Training

"The Delegator" – Positive or Negative Epithet?

In a recent meeting, an action arose and I asked one of my team (PJ) to catch it and complete it. He (tongue in cheek) commented to all those at the meeting that I was “the best delegator” he’d ever worked with. His humorous implication was that I don’…

NOTE: Monitoring the SAS 9.2 Metadata Server

There’s a nice walkthrough of some of the features of the SAS 9.2 metadata server on the SAS Professionals web site in the Social Media / Videos section. You’ll have to be a SAS Professionals member to view it from the link I’ve provided, but if …

Code Kata #1

In yesterday’s post I described Code Katas and how they can be a useful form of programming practice. Dave Watson (the “inventor” of Code Katas) offers 21 on his Code Kata blog. I intend to publish my own from time-to-time, and here is the first. Enjoy…

Code Katas

Last week I made a brief mention of Code Katas and how they can help you as a form code practice. Let’s find out some more.

The basic concept surrounding Code Katas encapsulates the ideas that a) we are professional coders, b) practice improves one’…

Do You Read? (And Write?)

Whilst New Year’s resolutions are still in our minds, I’m thinking about my training plans for 2012. One key element of my plan is attendance of SAS Global Forum in April, but at the other end of the scale is my choice of professional reading material …

Learn How to Code in 2012

Do you know someone who could benefit from learning how to code? Are your parents looking for a new hobby in retirement? Are your kids looking for wider career options? Send them along to http://www.codeyear.com/ and encourage them to sign-up for the …

NOTE: Analytics 2012 Conference Series, Germany, 14-15 June

The turn of a New Year is a good time to be thinking about your training plans for the year. Training can take several forms, it doesn’t have to be limited to classroom sessions. Think more broadly. Are there any SAS-related books, or IT-related books …

NOTE: Advent Calendar 2011

Today is 1st December, and that can mean only one thing: time to turn to the traditional SAS Professionals advent calendar! There will be prizes every day throughout December, so make sure you visit http://www.sasprofessionals.net/ every day.

And if …