Tag: Uncategorized

Send your SAS graphs directly to Powerpoint!

To say that I’m excited about the SAS 9.4 release is an understatement! For example, did you know that in SAS 9.4, you can write SAS/Graph output directly to a Powerpoint slide?!?  This is definitely an item that was on my “wish list,” and will no dou…

Calculate RMSE and MAE in R and SAS

Here is code to calculate RMSE and MAE in R and SAS. RMSE (root mean squared error), also called RMSD (root mean squared deviation), and MAE (mean absolute error) are both used to evaluate models. MAE gives equal weight to all errors, while RMSE gives…

Smooth sailing (and smooth lines!) in SAS 9.4 gif graphs

SAS 9.3 already has smooth (anti-aliased) lines in SAS/GRAPH device=png output, and in SAS 9.4 you will also get smooth lines in your device=gif output (and gif animations)!  Woo-hoo!!! Here are a couple of simple examples to demonstrate: The firs…

PROC DELETE: it’s not dead yet

The DELETE procedure is probably the most well-known and most-used SAS procedure that isn’t actually documented or officially supported. That is, that was the case before the release of SAS 9.4, when PROC DELETE returns with more features than ever — including a production-quality status. In his SAS Global Forum […]

Five myths about unstructured data and five good reasons you should be analyzing it

“How can we begin to make sense of the unstructured data, when we still don’t make the most of our structured data?” said the exasperated senior manager from a large retail firm. One of the great pleasures of my job is the relationship with stude…

Top 10 SAS coding efficiencies

Tried, tested and true — I’m sure you already practice some, if not all, of these efficient techniques to save resources.  I recently shared these 10 techniques with the Wisconsin Illinois SAS users group in Milwaukee. The conference ran smoothly u…

Inadvisable science

Inspired by the JMP blog – Statisticians: harbingers of doom?:

Enjoy what’s left of the International Year of Statistics — while you still can.
tags: statistics2013