Tag: Uncategorized

There and back again: copying files in SAS Enterprise Guide

One of the problems that trips up experienced SAS users when they begin to use SAS Enterprise Guide is a result of simple geography. The SAS Enterprise Guide application runs here, on your desktop. The SAS Workspace session (which accesses data and cranks through your analysis) runs over there, on […]

Fun SAS graphs for the holidays

While I’m waiting for the next “data intense” event to show up in the news (so I can blog some SAS graphs about it), I thought I’d share a few fun SAS graphs in the spirit of the holiday season! Please don’t hold me to too high of graphical “best prac…

Don’t let your macros crash and burn

Your macro just crashed and burned.  So, what’s the problem?  Let’s take a look: The text OR in the code above was misinterpreted as a logical operator.  To correct this issue, use the %STR function to protect (disable the normal meaning of) speci…

Why "programmer" is not in my job title

There are two activities which, when taken in combination, have occupied the vast majority of my working hours for the past 20 years: writing computer programs and writing…well, just writing. During my college years I completed my degree with a double-major: Computer Science and English. (My English degree has a […]

Are you at a graphics crossroads?

When we were out to dinner one night, with my daughter and her friend, Leanne, the girls were having a hard time deciding on their orders. Leanne joked that it was too hard to “tween bechoose” all the items on the menu. When I talk to some of my studen…

New features enhance problem tracking

~ Contributed by Roger Chenoweth, Technical Support,  SAS ~ We have recently enhanced the application (the Tracks application) that enables you to check the status of problems and questions that you have submited to SAS Technical Support.  I’d lik…

Mission: SAS certification in 25 days

Damir Olejar isn’t a superhero, but he accomplished quite a feat — passing the SAS Certified Base Programmer credential in 25 days. Olejar was on the fast track because he needed the credential to satisfy a prerequisite for a job offer. However, he …

Talking Turkey with SAS Graphs

Have you heard the expression “Talk Turkey”? Well then, what better (tongue-in-cheek) thing to do around the Thanksgiving holiday, than talk some turkey using SAS Graphs! 😉 I don’t usually decorate my graphs with images and pictures (they typically ma…