Tag: Uncategorized

Reading to beat the heat

We have had this long string of 100+ degree days, so I went inside to find a cool place to read. When the cooldown came, the weather changed from hot and dry to hot and muggy. That sent me further into the air conditioning to cool down and stretch out…

Finding patterns in big data with SAS/GRAPH

When working with “big data” you usually have too many points to view in a plot, and end up subsetting or summarizing the data. But now, in SAS 9.3, you have an alternative! For example, the following scatter plot of 10,000+ points is just a visual “b…

How to land a job as a SAS professional

Would you like to know the secret of how I landed my job at SAS? Since I’m asked this question so frequently, I thought it might be useful to share my tips. 1.       Know yourself Are you a people person? Or are you an analytical person who enj…

12 is the Magic Number: Months, Cranial Nerves, Labors of Hercules and … SAS© Statistical Products

Some of you might be users of our SAS Statistical products and know that we have traditionally released new versions of these products with new versions of  what SAS R&D Senior Director in  Advanced Analytics Maura Stokes refers to as the “mot…

You’ve taken a SAS class – now what?

Have you ever taken a SAS class, but left wanting more? There’s a place to continue learning outside the classroom. You may remember hearing about Extended Learning pages while in class or while reading your post-course thank-you email.  That email …

Performance-enhancing SAS notes

With the London 2012 Olympics around the corner, there are sure to be reports or rumors of performance-enhancing drug use among some athletes. It turns out that using manufactured chemicals to give yourself an edge is frowned upon in the athletic community. However, as a SAS user you should avail […]

Behind the scenes with SAS Visual Analytics

If you’ve heard anything from SAS in recent months, then you’ve heard about high-performance analytics and the new SAS Visual Analytics offering. SAS has taken the high-performance analytics message around the world in a series of recent “road shows”. From the start, this project has enjoyed a different development process […]

Listing the data sets in a library within your custom task

A SAS Professionals attendee and Twitter follower named Marco asks for help: ..struggling to find a method with custom tasks in EG to be able to list the datasets in a library, can you help please? Sure, no problem. This is easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. First, make sure that you have a reference […]