Tag: Uncategorized

Choose your own adventure with SAS OnDemand for Professionals

In the past, getting your hands on SAS for learning purposes required one of two fortunate situations: being a student enrolled in a college course (or high school!) where SAS is taught working for an employer who is willing to sponsor your training, either in an official course or on-the-job. […]

Kill two birds (or three!) with one stone at SAS Global Forum

Did you know that a selection of our most popular SAS training classes are offered in conjunction with SAS Global Forum at a 15% discount?  If you’re planning to attend SAS Global Forum, arrive a few days early and take a class.  These training cla…

Jedi SAS Tricks: These aren’t the droids… Episode 1

How the power of the Force makes ridding yourself of problematic characters so much easier! I recently was invited to become an alternate instructor for Ron Cody’s SAS Business Knowledge Series class, “SAS Functions by Example”, and had the privilege…

Three statistics books for introductory SAS students

Recently, this question was asked of our SAS training instructors: For a SAS Programming 1: Essentials student, what would be a good book recommendation for a Statistics book? Here are the recommendations (in no particular order): Step-by-Step Basic St…

Uncovering the hidden parts of the SAS log

Before there was CNN or FOX News, people used to get their news from SAS. At least, that’s how I imagine that people kept themselves informed. What else can explain the existence of the NEWS= system option, which helps SAS admins to surface the must-know information to the SAS community? […]

Calculated values in PROC REPORT Compute Blocks

Dear Miss SAS Answers, In PROC REPORT can I use one calculated (computed) variable in the calculation of another computed variable? In the example below, I’m trying to use the value of the Bonus column to calculate the Total column:   compu…

Reset Your SAS Profile Password and Update Your Information

Contributed by Marci Russell, Project Manager, SAS The SAS Profile application is very important to the business of knowing our customers and providing you the information you need about SAS. Today, you create a Profile for actions like subscribing to …

Pitfalls of the LAG function

In the immortal words of Britney Spears: Oops! I did it again. At least, I’m afraid that I did. I think I might have helped a SAS student with a homework assignment, or perhaps provided an answer in preparation for a SAS certification exam. Or maybe it was a legitimate […]