Want to know what replaced Xythos in SAS 9.2/9.3 – enter the jackrabbit

In SAS 9.1.x the WebDav technology SAS used was powered by an open source component called Xythos. Xthyos provided the mechanism by which the SAS Web tools (WRS, Portal etc) could read and write to a database repository (Postgres, Oracle, Sql Server etc) to store the content (WRS (XML) reports). In SAS 9.2 / 9.3, SAS re-engineered […]

Allowing user to publish content that everyone can automatically see in the portal

Doing some research on the new SAS Addin for Microsoft Outlook 4.3, to trouble shout an issue at a customer site (more on that later) when I came across this post on the SAS Support site. Sample 36921: Using the SAS® Add-In for Microsoft Office to publish documents that can be accessed from the SAS® […]