Tag: World Statistics Day

Statistics: why doesn’t everybody love them?

I am not a statistician, but I love statistics. Statistics are facts, and when used for good, they are an important ingredient in sound decision making about almost any issue, whether it’s about government policy or your personal behavior.

The u…


Like John Sall, I’m wearing my “I <3 STATISTICS” pin today… and I’m not even a statistician. When I tell new acquaintances that I work at SAS, I usually get one of these responses: “Oh that’s nice. I’ve never heard of them.” “Oh that’s nice…

Example 8.10: Combination dotplot/boxplot (teaching graphic in honor of World Statistics Day)

In honor of World Statistics Day and the read paper that my co-authors Chris Wild, Maxine Pfannkuch, Matt Regan, and I are presenting at the Royal Statistical Society today, we present the R code to generate a combination dotplot/boxplot that is useful…

World Statistics, FTW!

Yesterday, I was in the #raganSAS audience as David Pogue told me What’s New and What’s Next in the world of technology.
David is a great presenter, and he really had the audience engaged as he talked about augmented reality,
his world according…