Memorial Day — putting names to the numbers

This post was kindly contributed by Key Happenings at - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Contributed by Dr. Robert Allison, Research & Development, SAS
Memorial Day is a U.S. federal holiday to commemorate the U.S. men and women who died while in military service.

My SAS graphs are often about numbers and trends — but for a topic like this, I thought it important to put individual names with the numbers. Therefore, this time, I created a graph that enables you to click on the data points and see a list of the names of the U.S. soldiers who died during that month. View the graph. (Note: The graph will open in another window when you click on the link.)

Technical Details

Each dot in the graph has mouse-over text and drilldown, which were created using the html= option in the GPLOT procedure. The html= option lets you associate html tags (such as title or alt for the mouse-over text, and href for the drill-downs) with each marker in the plot.

The links for the Vietnam War deaths display HTML pages, which I created for each month.

The links for the Iraq War deaths link to a Website that lists all the deaths for that month,
so I link to that site.

I have recently enhanced this graph by converting it from dev=gif to dev=png, and running it with a new version of still-under-development SAS/GRAPH software. Now the lines are much smoother than in a graph created with SAS 9.2. (This line-smoothing is called anti-aliasing and is a feature under development.)

This post was kindly contributed by Key Happenings at - go there to comment and to read the full post.