More Advice for a New Programmer

This post was kindly contributed by Key Happenings at - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Am I a new programmer? Let me see. I was a new programmer when I wrote my first program in college. I was a new programmer when I wrote my first SAS program during SAS Programming 1 class. And if I were to sit down to write a program today, I’d have to classify myself as a new programmer all over again. How long do I remain a new programmer? For me, it comes down to experience.

Back in January, I wrote a blog post that offered advice to the new SAS programmer. The idea was to help the new programmer move out of the new category and put them on the road to becoming an experienced programmer. If you haven’t read it, visit Advice to a New SAS Programmer and have a read.

Today, I read a funny and interesting blog post by Dr. AnnMaria De Mars. She offers a few hints that help you determine if you are a novice programmer. Hop over to her blog to see if you are a novice programmer. Heed her words: “No one is allowed to feel bad for having made these mistakes. Everyone you meet will admit to having made the exact same errors at one time….”

I second her idea that you should never feel bad. However you should:

  • Be sure to learn from your mistakes.
  • Take the advice of more seasoned programmers.
  • Give back by offering advice to others who are in the same place you were just days or years before.

This post was kindly contributed by Key Happenings at - go there to comment and to read the full post.