Password encryption

This post was kindly contributed by SASopedia - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Many a times we come across a situation where we may need to encrypt the password which we use in the SAS programs (Example: Using a password to access a database like db2). This can be acheived by the pwencode procedure. See the example below:

filename fileref “C:\MyFolder\Pwd.txt”;
proc pwencode in=”My Passwd” out=fileref;

The contents of the Pwd.tx is as follows:

Here the {sas001} denotes the method of encryption. More information on the encryption methods available/used in SAS can be found at:

Now the encoded password can be used everywhere by reading the contents of the file Pwd.txt.

This post was kindly contributed by SASopedia - go there to comment and to read the full post.