New SAS Support Forum software looks great!

This post was kindly contributed by Blogging about all things SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.

I managed to pass by the SAS Support Forum stand in Vegas and Renee Harpe was generous enough to show me through the ne/upgraded SAS Support forum software they currently have in beta.

I gotta save it looks great!

Lots of new features and importantly new features that will save time when creating, browsing, reading or replying to forum posts.

Some of my fav’s:

  • Editor when creating posts that will speel ;-) check your content, deffo required for me.
  • Ability to flag articles as liked and lots of way’s to increase your standing in the forum (even a scorecard style widget of posters and repliers)
  • Ability to save a list of forums you use regularly and hide the ones you don’t.
  • And my all time fav the ability to create a forum thread as an online document that can be used via collaboration with multiple people.  So we can all work on those best practice guides we keep asking for.

And Barry (as I know you are going to ask when im back ;-) there will be a SAS Admin Forum created, Tim Stearn (the DI Product Manager) has agreed to sponsor it, so wahoo!  Dates were a little vague Tim wanted to peg it to the 9.3 release, Renee would like to peg it to the forum upgrade, but I did ask nicely if we could have it as early as possible.

So start posting now people, as they are even going to migrate all the old posts to the new forum version (wonder if they will do that for customers moving from SAS 9.2 to 9.3 for free as well ;-)



This post was kindly contributed by Blogging about all things SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.