SAS 9.3, whats a bet its early!

This post was kindly contributed by Blogging about all things SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Been flat out for the last few weeks on various SAS Projects, and not many on the SaasInct side unfortunately.

One of the projects is getting prepared for a major upgrade to SAS 9.2 from SAS 9.1.

Looks like the SAS 9.2 install will be going ahead June or July, and then into migration.

Whats a bet that SAS announce SAS 9.3 in July!

Sods law they do.  Although it always pays to wait for M1 at least and a few other customers to iron out the migration issues, so wont make a difference to this project.



This post was kindly contributed by Blogging about all things SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.