SGF 2011 Redux

This post was kindly contributed by Avocet Solutions - go there to comment and to read the full post.

It may just be me, but every time I attend SAS Global Forum, I always leave feeling that I have missed a large part of the conference.  There are too many things going on at once and in too many different places for me to catch it all.  Fortunately, for those of us who have yet to master being-in-multiple-places-at-the-same-time, we do get a second chance.  Here are three ways to experience SGF right now:

Conference Proceedings  Most people are aware that papers from the conference can be found online.  You can do a search to find papers related to your interests.  A search for “ODS Graphics,” for example, returned no fewer than 50 papers—enough to keep me busy for quite a while.

Best Contributed Paper Awards   Don’t want to search through hundreds of papers? Why not start with the best by checking out the winners of the Best Contributed Paper Award for each section of the conference?

SAS Global Forum Take-Out  Or better yet, watch videos of some of the best papers in SGF’s Take-Out program from the comfort of your own cubicle.

This post was kindly contributed by Avocet Solutions - go there to comment and to read the full post.