There are 2 ways to develop OLAP cubes in the SAS EBI platform: using SAS OLAP Cube Studio or by writing the PROC OLAP statement by hand and submitting the SAS program. There are pros and cons for both that I will go through in this post. Personally I prefer writing the PROC OLAP statement(s) myself but I will use SAS OLAP Cube Studio from time-to-time to get the basic skeleton code written for me if I need it. Different personas will have their own preferences. Using SAS OLAP Cube Studio Using SAS OLAP Cube Studio is fairly straightforward using the wizard driven approach. Going through the wizard allows you to build a cube and have most of the functionality you need then it writes the code for you. Pros Easier and faster to create an OLAP cube Minimal complexity for beginners Maintain code in metadata Cons Hard to add additional code to enhance the cube build process Hard to manage things like macros and pre-processing steps written in Base SAS You can find documentation on usage from SAS Support. You can also find more OLAP Cube Studio usage notes in Tricia’s post. Writing PROC OLAP Manually Writing PROC OLAP […]