Happy Leap Year From Logical (Point of View) Operators

This post was kindly contributed by From a Logical Point of View » SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.

Today is Feb 29, –another leap year! I just found it is a good chance to raise the topic of logic operators again.

To determine if 2012 is a leap year, use the straightforward logic expression (demo is SAS, follow the pseudo code in the wiki page of leap year):

if mod(year,4) = 0 then do;  
    if mod(year,100) = 0 then do;          
        if mod(year,400) = 0 then is_leap = 1;
        else is_leap = 0;
    else is_leap = 1;
else leap=0;

while using logic operators (Boolean expression), only one line of codes needed:

is_leap = (mod(year,4) = 0) and
            (mod(year,100) ^= 0) or (mod(year,400) = 0)

or using SAS bitwise logical operations:

is_leap=bor(band(mod(year,4) = 0,mod(year,100) ^= 0), mod(year,400) = 0)

This post was kindly contributed by From a Logical Point of View » SAS - go there to comment and to read the full post.