Category: SAS

SAS Integration Technologies and Vista

Ok, I am sure that I will get some grief about this but I needed to submit my SAS code from a .NET application. this was on my new PC which is running Vista 32. Anyway, no matter what I did, I kept getting the following error:”Retrieving the COM class …

A Great Blog From A SAS User

I just checked out Ann Maria’s Blog from the Julia Group and was so impressed with her writing that I had to share it. I particulary liked The Dangers and Wonders of Statistics Using SAS post.Go check it out. Now.

New Syndicated Content

That’s a fancy way of saying that we are adding a few more RSS feeds for visitors. Feeds are an efficient and easy way to get information about updates made to the SAS Support Web site. Feeds let you quickly stay current on updated…

Did you know … that you can print any page from the toolbar?

Maybe the question should be “have you noticed the toolbar at the top of every page?” The big yellow arrow is pointing to the toolbar in the image below.

When you select the Print link, we strip all of the outer edges from the p…

JavaScript Object Notation

I use Javascript quite a bit for my i-Doc site and some of the projects I work on. I really like the language because it’s syntax is comfortable and you can do a bunch with it without having to know a lot about it. And getting stuff done quickly is pre…

Get Certified and Get Registered

Does your e-mail signature contain several sets of letters like MCSE or PMP? You see more and more people expressing their educational experience by including qualifiers after their name in e-mail signatures. Some say that this is a result of th…

PROC MIXED vs. lmer()

I am using R for a few years now. I like it a lot. Previously I used SAS (notably its modules SAS/BASE, SAS/STAT, SAS/IML, …), because that is the statistical package of choice at my department. I had a hard time when I switched to R, mainly because …

SAS Macro Nesting

I’d like to share a nifty SAS option that will help tremendously with debugging SAS macros. The mprintNest system option will show nesting information in your log. This is a big improvement over mprint that showed which macro you were in, but made it…