Testing – Discipline

My dad says “if a job’s worth doing, it’s worth doing well”. I say “if a bit of code is worth writing, it’s worth testing it properly”. Maybe I’m stretching the old saying a little, but the principle remains true.

Software testing is a very large sub…

SAS Enterprise Guide: Shielding your EG project from Hound Dogs

In the coming weeks, you’ll see more posts from Harsh Gajjar, who is SAS Business Intelligence (BI) and SAS Design Integration (DI) rising star in India. Today he is discussing how to keep nosy co-workers (lovingly referrer to as hound dogs) or when you want to ensure changes are not made by accident to your neat, sweet, and complete SAS Enterprise Guide projects. If you have some nagging DI questions, then send one of us an email or leave a comment below. Securing SAS Enterprise Guide Projects  Every BI professional must be acquainted with the SAS Enterprise Guide Project. However here I’m going to discuss about the issues related to securing your process flow from unauthorized access. We are quite aware of the fact that the metadata security and permissions enable a user to restrict the access of data to specific people. (viz. SAS Admin ). However the metadata does not restrict a person from peeking into someone’s process flow or project to get some idea. Use Built-In Password Protection SAS Enterprise Guide 4.2  has availed a facility to restrict the access to Project through password Protection. Click on project Properties-> Security and type the desired password. Another window appears to […]

FBS Coaches Avg. Salary

Of course, a few days before I leave for a much needed vacation, USA Today released their updated NCAA coaching salary database. For sports junkies, there’s an unlimited number of analysis and visualizations that can be done on the data. I took a quick break from packing to condense the data to a csv and […]

SAS BI Prompts: Gettin’ User Friendly

When creating prompts in SAS Business Intelligence or SAS Enterprise Guide, the value the database or your code uses to populate the field may not be user-friendly.  Certainly you want your user community to think you are that cool BI developer tucked…

SAS 9.4 – Wahoo!

I have seen my first tech support track response that mentions SAS 9.4. Wahoo the countdown begins! SAS 9.4 is also mentioned once on the support.sas.com site: http://support.sas.com/techsup/pcn/openvms93.html