NOTE: Substringing Without Notes

The SUBSTR function is a much-used function but can be frustrating when it issues an abrupt NOTE to the log when the string isn’t long enough to produce a result.

If the design of your code means that you’re happy to allow a null result from you…

NOTE: Substringing Without Notes

The SUBSTR function is a much-used function but can be frustrating when it issues an abrupt NOTE to the log when the string isn’t long enough to produce a result.

If the design of your code means that you’re happy to allow a null result from you…

Where is my stored process code?

As you register your stored process, you may notice that the stored process wizard incorporates your code in Step 2.  Ever wondered where the wizard places this code?
In step 3 of the creation process,  you are actually selecting a location and the f…

Performance Help for SAS®9 on Windows 2008

Configuring and tuning an environment is part luck and part science. Luckily, a group of employees at SAS dedicate their time to helping you improve system performance.  Margaret Crevar is one of those people. She just recently shared several papers w…

Running Windows PowerShell Scripts

Windows PowerShell is one of my favorite tools to use for gathering information from my PC and network, and also for automating processes.  If you are familiar with UNIX shells (such as Korn shell or its variants), you will probably be very comfortable with Windows PowerShell.  Just like its UNIX […]