Randomly Generating a Truncated Normal Distribution

A brief foray into the actual nitty-gritty aspects of research, especially the part that seems to dominate the time of a graduate student in Epidemiology: coding. Particularly, the code for generating random numbers from a truncated normal distribution in SAS 9.2. Generating numbers from a regular normal distribution is easy as pie: x=rannor(seed), where x […]

What can I use SAS for?

According to my site stats someone found this site yesterday by searching for the phrase “what can i use sas for?’ I’m flattered. And I hope they found the answer to their question. Though to be honest, I doubt that anything I have previously written addressed the use of SAS in such broad terms. So […]

What’s my line? (CSEdWeek edition)

Author note: I’m “replaying” this post in honor of Computer Science Education Week. It originally appeared here over 3 years ago.

Today was “career day” in my daughter’s 3rd grade classroom. A few privileged parents were invited to attend and …