Tag: analytics

SAS: Where Also

Ever heard of ‘where also’? Neither did we.
We have to give credit to the guys at the SAS Community.
‘Where also’ allows you to add a series of where statements. The use acts like a single where statement with the and condition….

Pivot tables and Cheezy Graphs? No more…

As any good analyst knows, working with data is not the problem. Good analysts have the skill necessary to combine, split, merge, slice, aggregate, or summarize data any way you can imagine. However, is that enough? Probably not.. What good does data do if you can’t communicate its meaning in a logical way. The day […]

SAS INTNX function ( add days, months, years, etc )

The INTNX function increments dates, times, or datetimes by specific or custom intervals. Here is the basic syntax for INTNX: INTNX(interval[multiple.shift-index], start, increment[, alignment]) The interval can be a set value like – DAY, WEEK, DTWEEK, YEAR, etc. You can also specify a custom interval. We will post more on that later. The multiple is […]