Tag: analytics

When are the fall leaves at their peak?

One of the great things about living in an area that has seasons is you get to see the leaves change colors in the fall. If you’re a big fan of seeing the leaves at their peak, you could actually travel around the country and see the leaves at their [….

Graphing mistakes to avoid … like the plague!

I recently saw an alarming article on social media about an outbreak of airborne plague spreading from Madagascar to Africa (and potentially to the rest of the world). The plague?!? – I thought that only happened hundreds of years ago?!? I don’t really…

Which country has the most powerful passport?

If you plan to travel abroad and see the world, you’ll need a passport. And, depending on several factors, you might also need travel visas. Which passports allow you to travel with the least amount of hassle (and the least amounts of visas)? Let’s cre…

Compatibility between model data and the target population

To make accurate predictions, it is necessary that the sample data you use for model development is compatible with the target population. The distribution of each input used in the model should be similar in the sample and the target population. In yo…

RDU airport -vs- surrounding parks and nature

In growing areas such as the Research Triangle Park, there is always the tough decision between developing land for business, or keeping it natural for parks and recreation. SAS is fortunate to have the great hiking trails at Umstead Park just across t…

Transforming Analytics into an Art Form

As analytics advances into more areas of our everyday life there is an increased need to understand just what it is that analytics is accomplishing for us.  I find there is a quicker acceptance of an analytical solution and even excitement if there is a good conceptual understanding of what […]

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Scottish Festivals and Highland Games

I recently took a trip to Scotland, to attended the Highland Games! (ok – that statement might be a tiny bit misleading) It was a very cool and interesting event, and I wondered where and when other such events might be happening. What better way to an…

Los Angeles ozone levels – 30th anniversary revisit

The movie Blade Runner came out about 30 years ago, portraying a dystopian future set in 2019 Los Angeles. Many of the technology predictions in the movie have actually become reality – but how about the weather and pollution? The movie was all about smog and a lack of sunshine, and I wondered […]

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