Tag: Github

Github for Clinical/Statistical Programmers

PhUSE-FDA Working Group 5 (Development of Standard Scripts for Analysis and Programming) just adopted Google Code as collaborative programming platform. Google Code is one of the most popular and respected open source software hosting sites in the world and it is definitely a good choice for PhUSE-FDA WG5. But after viewing one of WG5’s working […]

Using SAS to access data stored on Dropbox

I used “Dropbox” in the title for this post, but these techniques can be used for other cloud-based file sharing services, such as GitHub and Google Drive. Using PROC HTTP, you can easily access any “cloud-based” file as long as you have a public link to reach it. I’m a […]

Is There Any Better Way? Publishing Process For CDISC Standards

  1. The Pain I read from Lex Jansen (@LexJansen) that CDISC SDTM v1.3 and SDTMIG v3.1.3 were newly released. It’s pretty nice since CDISC SDTM was supposed to be released semiannually in the new publishing cycle. We can see the team put great efforts on this new version, but frankly speaking, this delivery (the […]

GitHub and Weekend Programming

Yihui of Iowa State just texted me that GitHub is programmers’ Facebook. Inspired by him(great thanks!), I also begin to play with GitHub now: https://github.com/Jiangtang Currently I only created one repo as personal SAS code repository. To kill weekend time, I uploaded piece of codes to count the OpenCDISC validation rules by models. To use […]

managing projects using RStudio

We’re continually amazed with new developments within RStudio, the integrated developed environment for R that we highlighted previously (Among others, Andrew Gelman agrees with us about its value). The most recent addition addresses one of our earlie…