Tag: Internet of Things

Foresight is 2020! New books to take your skills to the next level

Are you ready to get a jump start on the new year? If you’ve been wanting to brush up your SAS skills or learn something new, there’s no time like a new decade to start! SAS Press is releasing several new books in the upcoming months to help you stay […]

Foresight is 2020! New books to take your skills to the next level was published on SAS Users.

Reporting on accelerometer data with SAS Visual Analytics

I’ve collected accelerometer data with a third-party app. I’ve used some SAS tricks to import all of my data readings in a single step. Now I’m ready to create a report of these data in SAS Visual Analytics.

The post Reporting on accelerometer data with SAS Visual Analytics appeared first on The SAS Dummy.

The Internet of Snacks: SnackBot data and what it reveals about SAS life

At SAS, we love data. Data is central to our corporate vision: to transform a world of data into a world of intelligence. We’re also famous for enjoying M&Ms, but to us they are more than a sweet snack. They’re also another source of data. My colleague Pete Privitera, with […]

The post The Internet of Snacks: SnackBot data and what it reveals about SAS life appeared first on The SAS Dummy.