Tag: macro variables

Deleting global macro variables

Do you periodically delete unneeded global macro variables? You should! Deleting macro variables releases memory and keeps your symbol table clean. Learn how the macro language statement that deletes global macro variables and about the %DELETEALL st…

How to format a macro variable

Would you like to format your macro variables? Easy!  Just use the %FORMAT function, like this: What?! You never heard of the %FORMAT function? Of course not, cuz it doesn’t exist! No problem. Just create it, like this: %macro format(value,format); %if %datatyp(&value)=CHAR %then %sysfunc(putc(&value,&format)); %else %left(%qsysfunc(putn(&value,&format))); %mend format; The %FORMAT […]

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“call symputX” is the symput upgrade

SymputX is the upgrade from Call Symput. Syntax: call symputx(“macro_var_name”, character_value (or numeric to be converted to char), symbol table def); Where symput will produce a note about converting character values to numeric, symputx won’t produce such a note. Additionally it will strip leading and trailing spaces form the character value. Lastly, you can define […]