Tag: Markdown

RStudio in the cloud for dummies, 2014/2015 edition

In 2012, we presented a post showing how to run RStudio in the cloud on an Amazon server. There were 7 steps, including one with 7 sub-steps, one of which had 6 sub-sub-steps. It was still pretty easy, for what it was– an effectively free computer i…

Is There Any Better Way? Publishing Process For CDISC Standards

  1. The Pain I read from Lex Jansen (@LexJansen) that CDISC SDTM v1.3 and SDTMIG v3.1.3 were newly released. It’s pretty nice since CDISC SDTM was supposed to be released semiannually in the new publishing cycle. We can see the team put great efforts on this new version, but frankly speaking, this delivery (the […]