Tag: predicative modelling

Using Proc Glmselect in SAS Shootout@ 2010

Business understanding: A Healthcare company would like to know how the health status and personal information of a patient would influence his/her total health care expense.Data understanding: The target variable is the total health cost (interval). B…

Predict 3G users for telecom by using SAS Enterprise Miner

Situation: For a telecommunication company, there are a training dataset of 18,000 customers and a scoring dataset of 2,000 customers.Task:Find potential 3G users from the existent 2G users to increase ARPU and MARPUAction: Trained models by decision …

How to predict unemployment rate in US by SAS/ETS

The raw data: hereFILENAME data URL “http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/data/UNRATE.txt” DEBUG LRECL=100;data one;infile data;input @1 year 4. @6 month 2. @9 day 2. uer;DATE = MDY(MONTH,DAY,YEAR);FORMAT DATE monyy7.;drop year month day;if date=. th…