The next time you write a DATA step, try to express it in iambic pentameter. Or instead of a SAS macro function, how about a SAS macro sonnet? (Or, for the more base among you, a limerick?) That’s the spirit behind the code {poems} project. You write a poem in […]
Tag: SAS dummy
Reaching a dubious peak
So many of us struggle with this mountain. In fact, 68.27% of us get within sight of reaching the summit (while 95.47% of us are at least on a perceivable slope). We run, walk, crawl and sometimes slide our way uphill (from one direction or the other) until we finally […]
Poetry on our own terms
Within the SAS documentation there must be thousands of unique words. But eleven words occur more than any others within the SAS documentation corpus: SAS, data, statement, option, value, set, variable, value, PROC, model, table. This is according to one of our staff terminologists, Vicki Leary, who helps to keep our use of these words consistent and clear. Vicki challenged our […]
Putting the "Guide" in Enterprise Guide
Some of you will remember that in the very early versions of SAS Enterprise Guide, we introduced a unique approach to helping you to learn SAS: an animated “agent” who could suggest your next steps within your project.
We furloughed the agent (wh…
An "Enterprise Guide" in a parallel universe
Dear Readers,
You might visit this blog for many reasons, chief among them to learn useful information about SAS. You know that I often post tips about SAS Enterprise Guide, and sometimes people go so far as to call this a “SAS Enterprise Guide”…