Tag: sas training

Keeping the Analytical Trenches Fresh

You know the old joke,

Q. How can you tell an extroverted statistician from an introverted statistician?

A. The extrovert looks at your shoes when they talk.

Well, the statisticians that I work with every day are a pretty lively bunch, so th…

Smart Cats with blogs on stats

Let’s face it: ever since cats learned how to access the Internet, they’ve managed to besmirch their prestigious status as the “smarter-if-a-bit-aloof” pet. They’ve starred in many demeaning YouTube videos, bringing shame to their species for the…

Is It Random or Repeated?

Last week, a student in my Mixed Models Analysis Using SAS class sent in the following text message during a discussion of crossover designs (sometimes known as ABBA designs, where factors vary within subjects, not ABBA designs where you’re like…

Certification Discussion on FaceBook

Hi all. Just a quick note to point out a recent certification discussion on the SAS Training Facebook page. If you haven’t become a fan of SAS Training, maybe now is the time? It’s yet another great community to chat with your fellow SAS users and…

Short on time, but need to learn?

Those of you who have anxiously been awaiting the next installments in my “What is there to do in Cary?” series may have noticed a distinct lack of output over the last month or so. This is due to the fact that I have been forced to spend my tim…

How a SAS Training Course is Made – Part 1

Editor’s Note: Meet Rick Cornell, SAS Training Course Development Manager. In a multi-part series, Rick will tell us about how a SAS training course is born. In this first installment, learn where a course comes from, what new courses are in …

Learning Doesn’t End When the Class Does

I wanted to blog about our new Extended Learning Pages, but Larry LaRusso beat me to it in the latest issue of SAS Training Report. Larry is a fantastic story-teller, so instead of trying to come up with something original, I decided to share his…