Tag: Serendipity

Jedi SAS Tricks: Email from the Front – Part 1

I’m responsible for a SAS program that runs nightly in batch on a Linux server here at SAS. I am also a road warrior, and routine status checking via a remote connection is often tricky, and sometimes impossible due to unstable hotel internet connec…

Rock stars

“They are a group of SAS rock stars and I’m darn proud of them!” That comes from Meg Pounds, manager of the Customer Experience Testing (CET) team. (Go on, Meg – use some stronger language; Peer Revue needs some juicier content.) Meg’s remark come…

New Forum Focuses on Data Integration

Your requests for a discussion forum that focuses on data integration, SAS Data Integration Studio, or DataFlux products and features have been answered! The new forum is live and SAS staff have posted two great, informative posts to the SAS Enterprise…

Perks are epic

When I started Peer Revue, I tried to point out it’s the work we do that makes SAS such a cool place to be, not just the fancy-schmancy benefits that get all the headlines. But FORTUNE magazine apparently has another agenda; they’ve gone and named SAS …

Spirits in the virtual world

As the holiday season approaches, one is tempted to use a Dickensian reference about spirits past, present and future. But instead of a holiday classic from 1843, I’m going to haunt you with an earworm from 1981. Having matriculated in the same year th…

SAS usability gets peer review

Like a car loan officer hot on the heels of usability car salesmen, and in commemoration of World Usability Day, I’d like to list some of the papers and posters which my peers have presented at recent usability conferences. This will give Peer Revue re…

Usability car salesmen

Hot on the wake of World Statistics Day, when there were close to 7,012 blogs from SAS about it, World Usability Day almost passed unnoticed. But the keen-eyed noted that at SAS, we celebrated World Usability Day with an internal showcase event. Betwee…


Like John Sall, I’m wearing my “I <3 STATISTICS” pin today… and I’m not even a statistician. When I tell new acquaintances that I work at SAS, I usually get one of these responses: “Oh that’s nice. I’ve never heard of them.” “Oh that’s nice…