Tag: Serendipity

Communication is easy

Communication is easy? Wishful thinking? Keith Collins, our CTO and VP of Technology, once told me “communication is hard.” That may seem a completely obvious statement to most of Peer Revue’s readers, but recall I’m a code monkey. We developers think …

Keep track of that

I’ve been a longtime fan of the WNYC radio show, Radio Lab. Hosts Robert Krulwich and Jad Abumrad have interviewed famed biologist E.O. Wilson a few times. Listening to him describe his study of ants and how they make tracks and trails is a great story…

Peer Revue

Perhaps you are like me and have gotten top-ten list fatigue from the typical press that SAS gets. The pervasive coverage leaves the impression that we all arrive on campus at 10:00AM, grab a massage before heading to the natatorium for a few laps, tak…