Tag: sgplot

Do you mind if we dance with your DATEs (or DATETIMEs)?

I’ve been working with date-time data on a recent project, and I’ve come across a few SAS programs that have “opportunity for improvement” when it comes time to create reports. (Or maybe I haven’t, and I contrived this entire blog post so that I could reference one of my favorite […]

Netflix streaming: Making every minute count

It turns out that I’m not receiving the maximum potential value from my Netflix streaming service.  Perhaps it’s because I place too much value on sleep. With my monthly subscription, I am permitted to view Netflix content 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  In my house I have […]

Measuring the value of my DVD-by-mail movie service

Like millions of other Americans, I recently was asked to make a decision of tremendous importance to my household — a decision that would affect the welfare of everyone in my family. That decision, of course, was whether to continue to receive Netflix movies by mail, or opt for the […]

Birthdays among friends

Earlier today, Rick posted interesting information about which time of year the most babies are born, at least in the USA. I don’t have data nearly as extensive as what’s available at the NCHS, but I do have a sample of birthday records to compare against Rick’s findings.  My sample […]

Hammer time with high school students

This morning I delivered a talk to visiting high school students at the SAS campus. The topic: using SAS to analyze Twitter content.

Being teenagers, high school students are well familiar with Twitter. But this batch of students was also very …

This list goes to 11

It’s almost 2011, so let’s reflect on the top 11 posts (by number of visits in 2010) on this blog. Not all of these posts were written in 2010; in fact, some of these date back to 2007. But apparently they are oldies and goodies.
1. SAS 9.2 and …