Tag: sgscatter

A periodic table to help you with your SAS ODS graphics!

There were 97 e-posters in The Quad demo room at SAS Global Forum this year. And the one that caught my eye was Ted Conway’s “Periodic Table of Introductory SAS ODS Graphics Examples.” Here’s a picture of Ted fielding some questions from an interested …

Measuring the value of my DVD-by-mail movie service

Like millions of other Americans, I recently was asked to make a decision of tremendous importance to my household — a decision that would affect the welfare of everyone in my family. That decision, of course, was whether to continue to receive Netflix movies by mail, or opt for the […]

The unlikely pedigree of sample data in SAS

We ship many sample data sets with SAS products. By using well-understood sample data sets, we can teach concepts or show off product features without distracting the audience/students with data collection or prep. At least, that’s the way it’s supposed to work. But occasionally the sample data can cause a […]