Tag: sql

NOTE: Marking Time with Enterprise Guide

In my recent review of a client’s SAS/Base jobs’ suitability for EG visual coding, I wasn’t surprised to come across some jobs that created new tables each month where the table names included the date. The table names were of the form MASTER.SALES_201…


I have an ETL job that updates 10,000 rows in a large, remote Microsoft SQL table with 700,000 rows (1.4%). (The specific brand of remote SQL database doesn’t matter: this should work equally well for any ODBC RDMS.) This tutorial shows two ways …

Work With Oracle: A Quick Sheet for SAS Programmers

(Note: All the followings are tested on Windows XP environment.)
0. Install Oracle Database 10g Express Edition
Fast (and free) to download, easy to deploy and simple to admin–for learning and testing purpose, Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE, a mini version of Oracle Database 10g Release 2) are strongly recommended:
0.1 Download it at […]

Data Set Sorted By Information

#UPDATE# Please see the comments for a better way to get the sorted by information from a data set! #UPDATE#The other day a colleague mentioned that it was not possible to get the sort information for a data set from the dictionary tables. Intrigued, I…