Tag: Statistics

Type I error rates in test of normality by simulation

This simulation tests the type I error rates of the Shapiro-Wilk test of normality in R and SAS.

First, we run a simulation in R. Notice the simulation is vectorized: there are no “for” loops that clutter the code and slow the simulation.

# type I error
alpha <- 0.05

# number of simulations
n.simulations <- 10000

# number of observations in each simulation
n.obs <- 100

# a vector of test results
type.one.error shapiro.test(rnorm(n.obs))$p.value)<alpha

# type I error for the whole simulation

# Store cumulative results in data frame for plotting
sim <- data.frame(
n.simulations = 1:n.simulations,
type.one.error.rate = cumsum(type.one.error) /

# plot type I error as function of the number of simulations
plot(sim, xlab="number of simulations",
ylab="cumulative type I error rate")

# a line for the true error rate
abline(h=alpha, col="red")

# alternative plot using ggplot2
ggplot(sim, aes(x=n.simulations, y=type.one.error.rate)) +
geom_line() +
xlab('number of simulations') +
ylab('cumulative type I error rate') +
ggtitle('Simulation of type I error in Shapiro-Wilk test') +
geom_abline(intercept = 0.05, slope=0, col='red') +

As the number of simulations increases, the type I error rate approaches alpha. Try it in R with any value of alpha and any number of observations per simulation.

It’s elegant the whole simulation can be condensed to 60 characters:


Likewise, we now do a similar simulation of the Shapiro-Wilk test in SAS. Notice there are no macro loops: the simulation is simpler and faster using a BY statement.

data normal;
length simulation 4 i 3; /* save space and time */
do simulation = 1 to 10000;
do i = 1 to 100;
x = rand('normal');

proc univariate data=normal noprint ;
by simulation;
var x;
output out=univariate n=n mean=mean std=std NormalTest=NormalTest probn=probn;

data univariate;
set univariate;
type_one_error = probnrun;

/* Summarize the type I error rates for this simulation */
proc freq data=univariate;
table type_one_error/nocum;

In my SAS simulation the type I error rate was 5.21%.

Tested with R 3.0.2 and SAS 9.3 on Windows 7.

For more posts like this, see Heuristic Andrew.

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