Tag: Statistics

Individual vs. Group Incentive for Weight Loss

A new Annals of Internal Medicine article describes a study that compares two employer-sponsored financial incentive programs for promoting weight loss among obese employees. I first read about the article at the Pacific Standard. The study design is a randomized controlled prospective trial. The two programs are as follows: Program 1. Obese employees are given […]

R Tackles Big Garbage

April 1, 2013 – Although the capabilities of the R system for data analytics have been expanding with impressive speed, it has heretofore been missing important fundamental methods. A new function works with the popular plyr package to provide these missing … Continue reading

Github for Clinical/Statistical Programmers

PhUSE-FDA Working Group 5 (Development of Standard Scripts for Analysis and Programming) just adopted Google Code as collaborative programming platform. Google Code is one of the most popular and respected open source software hosting sites in the world and it is definitely a good choice for PhUSE-FDA WG5. But after viewing one of WG5’s working […]

A better than median year

SAS has had a many good years. But that’s old news. In the past. Old hat. This is a new year, and we don’t rest on our laurels. We may toot our own horn about our laurels, but we don’t rest on ’em. Peer Revue’s job is to inform you of […]


I spent almost all of my blogging time last month to follow an online course in Coursera, Computing for Data Analysis (with R) by Dr. Roger  Peng of Johns Hopkins, Biostatistics Department. I already checked out bunch of Coursera courses just to take a look at what else MOOC look like, this R course was […]