It never ceases to frustrate and disappoint me when I hear people talking of test cases as use-once, throwaway artefacts. Any team worth its salt will be building a library of tests and will see that library as an asset and something worth investing in…
Tag: testing
Giving Focus to Peer Reviews
I’m a keen advocate for peer reviews. I’ve written about them before (here and here) but there’s always more to say.
Peer reviews must always be treated as a constructive exercise. The style of questions can play a big part in the atmosphere and tone …
NOTE: I’ll be Busy at SAS Global Forum! #sasgf13
I was very pleased to be invited to present a paper at this year’s SAS Global Forum in San Francisco in April/May. To then have my contributed paper accepted too was icing on the cake. I don’t yet know the dates and times where my two papers will be …
Mutation Testing
I’ve published a number of articles on testing in the past, and I thought I had a decent awareness and knowledge of the subject. But, as they say, every day is a learning day and I came across a new testing technique recently: Mutation Testing.
NOTE: BI Testing
I recently spotted a valuable posting from SAS’s Angela Hall on her Real BI for Real Users blog. I hesitate to suggest it was valuable because that implies her other posts are of less value! Not true, but this particular article was titled Testing reco…
NOTE: Keeping Track of Defects
I recently stumbled across an article on David Biesack’s Peer Revue blog regarding SAS’s defect tracking process. David provides a detailed and extensive insight into how the guys and girls in Cary (and beyond) deal with defects, from beginning to end….
Testing – Peer Reviews
In my recent series on testing I concentrated on dynamic testing, i.e. executing some or all of your code to see if it works. The other type of testing is static testing. This was featured briefly in my “SAS Software Development With The V-Model” paper…
NOTE: Hash Tables, An Introduction
In my recent series of articles on testing I used the hash table to provide a means to write/update a table from within a DATA step without demanding changes to the DATA statement, etc. I’ve had some very kind feedback on the series, plus some reques…