Tag: Uncategorized

Using transparent colors in SAS Graphs

This graph certainly makes it clear! I can see right through your lies! Clearly, you know what you’re talking about! We need more transparency in our organization! What was that all about, you might ask?!? … I was just getting all the obvious puns ou…

How companies can benefit from econometrics

Econometrics is all about explaining the “why” for companies. For example, companies may want to know, “why are my customers leaving?” so they can win them back. Ken Sanford of SAS, known as the econometrics evangelist, is presenting at Analyti…

Presentation tip: using ZoomIt during software demos

I’m currently at the SESUG conference with hundreds of SAS users. I’ve presented a few talks, and I’ve attended a few more. The presentation rooms can be large and dimly lit, and the projectors at these conference hotels are not always the brightest nor are they exactly “high def”. To […]

Educating the next generation of analytics professionals

There’s a lot of talk about the gap between the demand for analytics talent and the short supply. Jennifer Priestley of Kennesaw State led a panel at Analytics 2013 to discuss how universities are minding the gap. I caught up with her to ask what sch…

A custom task to check your data cardinality

The other day I showed how to check your data cardinality by using a simple SAS program. I also promised to provide a custom task that makes the process even easier within SAS Enterprise Guide. Today I’m delivering on that promise. I’ve just added the custom task to the support.sas.com […]

How to store data about your data in your data

Although the NSA and news media have given metadata a bad name in the popular press, the fact remains that information about the nature of your data is extremely valuable. For example, I posted an article yesterday about data cardinality. Cardinality measures the uniqueness of values in a variable. Cardinality […]

Your data ain’t good looking, but it has a nice cardinality

Data cardinality is an important topic for for data analysis. In mathematical terms, cardinality is simply the number of elements in a set. But in data applications, cardinality signifies the number of unique values for a given field of data. Related terms include number of levels (thank you, PROC FREQ […]

The glitz and glamour of SAS Global Forum 2014

The Inside SAS Global Forum video series has been officially launched for 2014. Yes, the conference is still several months away, but it is not too soon to plan! Your first item of business: submit your proposal for content. Then next: register for the conference. Anna Brown and I provide […]